The park at Elderschplatz in Vienna’s 2nd district is now called “Elisabeth-Ben David-Hindler-Park”. This is in memory of the founder of the association “Steine der Erinnerung”, (“Stones of Remembrance”), whose activities commemorate Viennese Jews who were murdered in the Shoah.

Elisabeth Ben David-Hindler was born in 1949 and was a sociologist and teacher. In 2005, she founded the association “Steine der Erinnerung“, which has set itself the task of “commemorating the Jewish victims of the Holocaust and keeping alive the memory of Jewish life and culture before the Nazis. We want to enshrine this remembrance in the places where Jewish Viennese people lived by placing ‘stones of remembrance’.” Elisabeth Ben David-Hindler died in May 2016.
The association’s project database currently contains around 500 projects (see map).